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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Chinese Idiom(35): 不識時務


bú shì shí wù (Taiwan)
bù shí shí wù (China)


to show no understanding of the times (idiom);
cannot adapt to current circumstances
not amenable to reason 

不:not, no
識:to know, knowledge;
時:time, current
務:circumstances; affair; matter

xiăo měi zhèng zài shēng qì xiăo míng huán bú shì shí wù dì qù kāi tā wán xiào jié guǒ bèi xiăo měi mà le yí dùn
xiàn zài tā shì lăo băn zuì xiāng xìn de rén nǐ huán yì zhí gēn lăo băn pī píng tā zhēn shì tài bú shì shí wù le

Click Here For more Chinese Idioms.
